Wednesday, July 22, 2009

apartment decorating

eric and i have a fairly large closest, but we only have one closest. and it doesn't have a lot of hanging space. and i have a lot of clothes.
we went to ikea last week to look at different options for more storage for our hanging clothes, specifically our jackets and hoodies since they are bulky. and we found a wardrobe that we both liked.
eric assembled it last night. and for the record, i tried to help, but he sent me away.

taking it out of the box
assembling the wardrobe

almost finished putting it together
assembling the wardrobe

i was able to put all of our jackets and hoodies inside. grissom approves!
inside of wardrobe

doors closed
wardrobe, complete

and in other decorating news, i am starting to wonder what's the point of having a rug?

because without fail, this is what it looks like ALL the time. even if i lay it out, within a minute, this is happening.


robotsandkittens said...

my cats do that to rugs too!! it drives me nuts!