I have wanted to start giving monthly run downs of miles run/biked and upcoming goals/goals met, in order to keep on track. It seems once you put your goals out there for others to read, its a lot harder to shy away from them. This month was much more relaxed for Lauren (even though she works out every morning at 5am somehow…) since she wasn't training for anything after her last half marathon. But in July there are a few runs coming up and this means longer runs are coming back into her repertoire.
As for me, I'm glad to be feeling better. I ran into some achilles issues after the hell fest that was Crush the Common Wealth which took me off training rides and even made me carpool rather than the normal bike commute. I am happy to say I commuted well over 500 miles this month to work and my goal next month is to commute to work 600+ miles, lets hope for the best.
Talking about riding, being that its been hot and REALLY humid here lately, we cruised up to Wissahickon Park in order to cool off in the river. They have a paved pedestrian trail that runs throughout the park as well as hiking trails throughout. Its such a nice change of pacing being able to ride ~6-8miles out of the city and be surrounded by lush scenery and cleanish air.
Have I ever said I loved the Schuylkill River Trail before? Because I do. Its so very convenient.

Sweet swim trunks are always a plus.

Cruising through Wissahickon Park.

Even a rope swing!

We had the ladies test the water first, to make sure it wasn't too cold!

Anyways dinner last night was a hodgepodge since I worked late and wasn't able to get to anything too fancy. I whipped up Gena’s Peanut Noodles dressing, which if you haven't tried you need to. Its that good. I had some left over whole wheat pasta, cut up some CSA zucchini, beets, spring onions, as well as some jalapenos, red pepper, carrots. I topped it with some roasted chickpeas and of course nooch. It was a quick and delicious meal.

The Schuylkill is a nice trail. I remember my Philly friends telling me my first year in Philly that it was one of the nicest places...and I got there and was like, what about all these cars! But I now really enjoy it, and it really is nice the further you get towards Wissahickon, especially for Philly. Are you guys doing the Philly 1/2 marathon?
How gorgeous! I wanna live near something like that! And Gena's peanut noodles are the best ... of my all-time fave raw recipes.
I love all the pictures. It looks really nice.
I have started my 1/2 marathon training. It is a bit of a pain pushing a double jogger and two mini vegans. It is weighs 95 pounds total to push. Ugh.
Love your blog. It is great.
Beautiful trails--wishing I could bike ride again! But I'm sure my canine Girls would love it there, too. ;) And that pasta mix looks terrific--love Gena's recipes!
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog--it is much appreciated. And glad it brought me here. :)
I've always wanted to bike this trail! It was super hot and humid before I left Philly last week, did a ride by the river really help you cool off? If so, I must give that a try when I return!
I'm not doing the philly 1/2 but Lauren is. Ill be there taking photos/yelling though :)
Thanks for the comments! Oh and we did go in, sorry I didnt have any photos of us actually swimming/wading/rope-swinging.
Thanks, Eric! And the apps were so good. Dude I wish I was on that bike ride right now :)
Great photos ! Is really inspiring for us to do some biking at those trails too. Love the monthly wrap-up ! Here is to a great July : )
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