Happy (day off from work) Monday! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. We've been busy and when I was going through photos I didn't even remember taking some of them.
Eric and I got out of work early on Friday and after running some errands we got to work on dinner. We usually fix burgers or pizza on Friday nights, but we decided to change it up and made pineapple cashew quinoa stir fry. It turned out delicious.
(side note, it seems these bowls are getting popular again...my mom actually bought these for me abotu 4 years ago! i didn't even know they were still made)

We stayed in Friday evening so we could wake up Saturday to work out before the heat. We set out on a 8 mile run, but some how got messed up and only did a little over 7. I really wanted to go 8, but didn't feel like running circles around the neighborhood so I called it a day.
After showering and re-hydrating Eric made us tacos for lunch.

Kitta Marie hung out too.

We had grand plans of heading up to the Piazza to see the band Matt & Kim, but instead we met up with a guy on craigslist to look at a bike. I have been wanting a road bike for a while, but most bikes on craigslist are either overpriced or not even worth your money. Well our patience paid off and I bought the bike! I have some photos further into this post.
We headed up to the Piazza after getting the bike, then walked over to
Bar Ferdinand for some eats and drinks.
We had started with some olives and almonds.

And then I got the garbanzo salad. It was good, but a small portion and kind of expensive.

Atleast the company was good.

Later on a few people come over and we went to a party, only to head out right after we arrived.
Sunday morning Eric and I woke up again to go workout, only this time we were going on a bike ride!
So the bike...I bought a Cannondale CAAD9. The frame is a few years old, but most of the components are fairly new.

I'm excited to have a legit road bike, since I have been wanting to get into triathlons.
We rode about 13 miles, and while it was awkward at first, I think I got the hang of it. I am used to riding fixed/single speed and shifting was definitely different.
I think Eric stalked for sale bikes for about 7 months, and I am really happy we waited until the right one popped up.

We came home from the ride and got to work on breakfast. We made the crepes from
VeganYumYum and decided to make them a little bit more patriotic with some raspberries, blueberries and sweetened cashew cream.

Those definitely hit the spot.
Early afternoon we went to our friends Adam and Chris' house for a BBQ.

The majority of our friends are vegetarians, so going to a BBQ is no problem. They had a pretty awesome spread: fruit, (vegan) potato salad, salsa, guacamole, mac and cheese, bok choy, etc.

Veggie dogs and burgers took over the grill. Adam made the veggie burgers and they were awesome. There were beans, carrots, parsley, corn and quinoa in them.

Eric wanted to be very American and ate three different veggie dogs.

At one point we had a taste-off of Earthquake, Joose and 4 Loko.

Earthquake was the worst, borderline disgusting, Joose was meh, and 4 Loko probably tasted the best.

Juli's family came to hang out!

Once it got dark we walked over to the Art Museum to watch the fireworks. While waiting we played with sparklers.

And then the fireworks started! We ended up sitting directly underneath them, so much so that the shrapnel was falling on us. But atleast it made the fireworks look HUGE.

I hope everyone else had an awesome 4th of July, or atleast an awesome weekend! Today is supposed to be the first day of a weeklong heat wave, ugh, so I think we are going to go search out a pool!